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  • Writer's pictureEmily Coles

Wrocław, Poland

Updated: Apr 26, 2022


26/11/21 - 29/11/21

After a year of constant ups and downs, myself and Ryan, my boyfriend, decided to take a risk and book another Christmas get away to Poland. Initially we had planned to return to Krakow after the amazing experience we had there the first time. However, the traveller in me thought why stop at just one part of the country when there's hundreds upon hundreds of miles around the country to be explored.

After a few days of browsing flights and airb&b options, we decided a weekend in Wrocław would be perfect.

Where we stayed

MyCherry Apart - Wrocław Prince Vitold Street 27

Unintentionally, we have created our own little traveling tradition when it comes to the apartments we look for when booking. Bar stalls. It may sound like a silly detail to seek when booking, majority of people probably refine is based on location or bedrooms, but to us, sitting on the bar stalls trying various local foods from the nearest shop.

The flat was just what we needed. The kitchen/living area was spacious and had a lovely balcony that allowed us to stand outside wrapped in blankets and watch as the snow fell across the gardens. The bedroom and bathroom were also perfect, filled with numerous mirrors, the apartment was everything and more. The walk to the main square was also very quick and the route felt safe which, the more I travel, is something that I look for in a review.

What we did

We spent 2 full days in Wrocław and 2 half days, in which we spent time shopping, exploring and embracing the local traditions. But the most important part of the weekend I want to write about is the Christmas Market. Following Krakow, we had high expectations of the countries market, but upon arrival it was nothing like we had expected. The streets were filled with small wooden huts, some selling handmade ornaments, others offering a variety of hats and scarfs and local souvenirs, food stands, a mixture of sweet and savoury, accompanied the stands and a small set of rides stood bright in the middle, filling the dark crisp air with joy. Simply walking the streets was the evening plan.

However, to fill the days, we found ourselves catching a 5 minute uber the Magnolia Park shopping centre and browsing the Black Friday weekend sales and I can tell you it did not disappoint! The centre was filled with shops for everybody and included a food court and classier restaurants, of course we had to stop at McDonald's for the classic lumberjack burger!

EXIT19 - The last thing I would recommend to anyone was the escape room. We booked the escape room in advance of the trip as something to do on the Sunday afternoon (trading in Poland on a Sunday is currently not allowed). We booked the 'Prison escape' room, turns out it was the hardest room they offer, which explains why we did so poorly. The staff were loverly and the whole experience was great, certainly worth the visit.

Where we ate

Now, I can say with pride that food was the core of our weekend away. After meals out, food from the local shops and traditional meals at the market, there wasn't anything we didn't give a try. A few places we are included;

The Hard Rock Cafe - an absolute classic when it comes to traveling if you ask me.

The Breslau pub - This was a local pub just outside of the market. After searching for somewhere with a table for around an hour, we were able to squeeze in for a couple of cocktails and a beer.

The Masala - As someone who can not stand spice in the slightest and has always refused to try Indian cuisine, I am extremely glad I gave it the chance. To paint the scene, it was absolutely freezing, scarf, hat, 2 jumpers and Ryans coat kind of cold. The Christmas market was in full swing, with crisp pieces of white snow falling on our shoulders creating the perfect festive setting, but the only thing on my mind was food. After walking around for a while, The Masala caught our eye. A conservatory like extension on the front completely full with people eating and drinking, a shining tree in the doorway and an inviting menu, we gave it a go. All I have to say is I will be eating Indian more often after the food they served.

Restauracja Przystań & Marina - In every country we visit, we always dedicate the last night for a more upscale meal. In Wrocław we chose Restauracja Przystan & Marina. The restaurant was a 2 minute walk from our apartment and was situated on the river, the perfect romantic setting. The food was on the pricier side for the quality but nothing could have dampened the mood inside.

For me, the highlight of the food for the weekend was the local market food. Ranging from xappykanka - toasted bread with cheese and mushrooms, pork knuckle, Z seem I smietana - a naan type bread topped with sour cream and cheese and many more polish dishes, we were never stuck for food!

My favourite moment of the trip

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