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  • Writer's pictureEmily Coles

Bratislava, Slovakia

Updated: Apr 27, 2022


25/02/22 - 28/02/22

It has almost become a tradition to take my boyfriend away for his birthday, however I have still not mastered the art of maintaining the element of surprise. My issue is, and I guarantee you can all relate, it's simply too exciting not to let it slip!

This year, I spent days sifting through different Airbnb's around Europe, and finally I found the perfect apartment in the heart of Prague. From the title of this post you can work out it didn't end up being as perfect as I had first hoped it to be. After finding the apartment, messaging the host to arrange a champaign birthday greeting and telling his entire family about my plans, I went to book the flights. Moral of the story is book the flights before getting carried away with the rest of the planning because in my experience, the prices had doubled in 48-hours.

So, my research continued, this time focusing on the flights first. After a few cocktails with my mum and her friend Deb, we got on the topic of travel. Deb suggested the idea of staying in Slovakia and then traveling via train to surrounding countries such as Austria, this was at it was by far cheaper than flying directly to places such as Vienna. Finally after hours of debating, Ryanair came to my rescue with their bargain offers, at the top of the list was Slovakia, if that wasn't a sign, was was?

Where we ended up staying- Baštova 346/2, Staré Mesto, Bratislavsky Kraj 811 03, Slovakia. After a short 10 minute taxi from the airport, we found the apartment situated at the top of the town, looking over the central shops and restaurants. The building was very old the stairs to our apartment were steep so I would not recommend to anyone who does not feel stable without support but other than that it was perfect. There was a local bar beneath the building which initially we were concerned would be loud at night, but once through our front door, we could not hear a peep! The apartment itself was the perfect size, more than enough storage for all my outfits, a double shower, large full length mirrors, absolutely perfect.

The view from outside our apartment building!

After throwing our luggage in the room, of course we had to find somewhere for some lunch. Just a 2 minute walk from our building was a small restaurant cafe called the Farmhouse restaurant. The inside was cozy and welcoming, with it only entertaining ourselves and one other couple. We had garlic bread, a burger and a pork schnitzel to try between us and I think it's fair to say it did not disappoint as our first meal.

Instead of boring you with the details in-between just yet, i'll jump straight into the food. If you haven't tried Slovakian cuisine before, I highly recommend you do.

Koliba Kamzic, a traditional Slovakian restaurant was our choice for our first evening meal in Bratislava. I won't pretend we weren't on the cautious side initially, but we couldn't waste an opportunity to try local favourites. We both tried soups for starters, followed by a pork belly with gnocci and a chorizo and vegetable pot, finished with traditional kaiserschmarrn. The staff were lovely and very accommodating to the language barrier.

Zylinder Cafe Restaurant. We visited Zylinder for a light lunch and a drink, but ended up staying for a few too many. The food was delicious, but the cocktails were even better and for the price, no complaints at all.

Fat Louis. If your'e looking for something a bit closer to home, Fat Louis may be the place for you. We found it was primarily filled with English individuals, and the menu was very American based, with burgers, wraps and wings. However, it was just what we needed, great atmosphere and giant portions with lovely hosts, again another eatery right on our doorstep.

After visiting Fat Louis, we went to Sky Bar and Lounge. Now, before I sing their praises, I will address the slightly hight price tag it came with. If you're looking for a cheaper evening, this is not the place, with cocktails averaging £12/13 and snacks being upwards of £10. However, in my opinion, it is completely worth it. We had a lovely waitress who was originally from Scotland, the drinks were quirky and definitely strong and the olives I had were the best I have ever tried and to top it off, the view of the city was outstanding.

Other places we tried that I recommend a drink or a meal in are Mondieu cafe on the corner, La Piazza and Delia Coffee.

I promise in-between all the eating we did discover Bratislava too! The city is the perfect escape for a weekend, with every street being an aesthetic for another picture and the views being memorable for a lifetime.

Around the centre you'll find numerous shops to look around, and a short 10 minute walk down the road you'll find Aupark shopping centre, perfect for a full days browsing. On the historic side, you have to walk around Bratislava castle, the building itself is stunning, with statues, architecture and history all around, but the views of the Danube and beyond from the top really do complete the walk. There is many routes around to avoid crowds and a variety of levels to stop and take in the scenery.

The most obvious thing to do is of course walking down the Danube. For me, it's fascinating how 2 years ago to the month I was stood just miles up in Budapest on the same river. However, the highlight for me was the view of the Bratislava parliament building lit up with the Ukraine flag from the river.

Which leads me on to the war. Russia invaded Ukraine the week we flew out the Slovakia, and as a bordering country, I was concerned. However, as many other countries began uniting in support, Slovakia was ready to stand with their neighbours with protests beginning in the old square and many restaurants already having donation pots ready.

Overall, the city was stunning, not one I will be quick to forget about!

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