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  • Writer's pictureEmily Coles

Brighton, England

Updated: Dec 22, 2021



So... Summer holidays basking in the Greek sun may not have been able to go ahead, but that didn't mean England couldn't provide a few fabulous days of sunshine. Though a few hours in Brighton was probably more expensive than a few days abroad!

We had a rather early start to the day (7am to be exact), especially for someone who's used to classing chicken nuggets at lunchtime as breakfast. But, an hour and a half train journey through London, semi scenic in places...and then we were there.

9 am roles around I was absolutely ravenous. And who knew actual breakfast food could be so nice, or perhaps it was simply just that the 'lucky beach cafe' was right in-front of me! Now, for somebody who doesn't like egg, my breakfast taco was to die for. A wrap, filled with scrambled eggs, avocado, pulled pork ,potato and chilli sauce. Well worth waking up at 7am for if I do say so myself.

Sat along the beach front, we had began the day of just right. Now time to sit in the sun, pretend Im going to get a tan, try not to drown in the coldness of the English seas, and then moan that I'm hungry again 2 hours later.

I was always aware that Brighton was slightly more expensive than the common fish and chips from my local, but I don't think I was quite prepared for the mortgage I was going to have to the out for fresh chips on the pier. At the time I remember thinking, maybe a nice walk around the stands and a quick game of air hockey - which I absolutely thrashed btw - would distract from the hunger. Or maybe not.

Anyway, a short browse around the shops later, and we found ourselves in IL bistro, a cozy restaurant with a 2 for £14 offer...right up my street. A starter of tomato and mozzarella salad (we don't talk about how that one went down) and a main of ,of course, fish and chips. Perhaps on the smaller side, but tasty and affordable so I won't complain!

Im going to be brutally honest now, I did not manage to catch any colour what so ever, apart from turning a few shades more red. But other than that, it was a great day, the atmosphere along the beach front was booming. There were people covering every table, music from all corners of the beach blaring and people gathering and genuinely smiling for what seemed like the first time all year.

A few hours later, what felt like a long...long...longggg walk back to the train station, and an even longer train journey back, we were home. I can't quite remember for certain, but I can guarantee if you're looking for ways to improve your nights sleep, this was certainly a strong contender. But I wouldn't change a single part of it:)

Would highly recommend a cheeky trip to Brighton, but not if you're looking for a budget friendly weekend

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