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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Notice is to provide you, whether you are a reader, a subscriber, just a visitor or other individual about whom we control data, with helpful information about the types of data we process and what we do with that data. If you have any questions, or if you want any further information, please contact us using the contact details below:

Contact details


Address: based in Rugby


Telephone: 07947318221


The Data We Handle

The data which is collected as obtained directly through site visits. Upon viewing the webpage, your visitor number and your location will be made visible. The time of day the site was visited and the number of times the viewed over a period of time will also be recorded.

I obtain data directly from individuals who subscribe to my page, the information I am given in simply what you enter on subscription. Personal details entered will be saved to the system 

What we do with Data

The data that is processed is used to understand when the blog page is most active

Understand where the page is attracting the primary amount of readers

Managing the blog performance and making necessary suitable changes

Fraud prevention and detection of crime

Basis for processing

In addition, in some circumstances we may process personal data on the basis that an individual has provided their express consent, for example, for marketing to an individual by email or SMS Please note that the individual concerned may withdraw their consent at any time by contacting me using the contact details above. 

Direct Marketing

I may send marketing materials to you on the basis of our legitimate interests or, where necessary, having obtained the consent of the individual concerned, provided we are otherwise permitted to do so by law.

Individuals always have the right to unsubscribe from any marketing. However, as of right now, the only emails being sent and notifications being released are that stating of a new post or edit. 

Who data’s shared with

Data entered into the system will not be shared with others outside of my website, as it currently stands, I (the blog owner) am the only one with access to the personal details.

How long data is kept 

We will keep personal information no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was provided unless we are required by law or have other legitimate reasons to keep it for longer. These retention periods depend on the nature of our relationship with the individual and the information involved. 

Individuals’ Rights Under UK Data Protection Law And Regulation

All persons about whom we hold or process personal data (data subjects) have rights under data protection laws to request from us access to or rectification of your personal data. We will erase any or all of your personal data upon your specific request where we have no legitimate reason to continue to hold your information. You also have the right to request the restriction of any processing or to object to our processing of your personal data. You also have the right to data portability. Please use the contact details above to exercise your rights. You can find more information about your rights at

Using our website – Cookies

A Cookie is a small file downloaded on to your computer or device when you access certain websites. Generally, Cookies identify you through your IP address and do not collect information about your identity. For more information about Cookies please visit: or

Cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of our website and help us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allow us to improve our website.

We use Cookies for the purposes of:

  • Understanding what brought you to our website and what pages you visited;

  • Remembering you when you return to our website; and

  • Providing you with safe restricted access areas.

You can manage Cookies by changing your browser settings to block or delete cookies. To find out how, visit Please note that if you block all cookies you may not be able to access parts of our website.

The Privacy Notice is subject to change at any time. 

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