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It's great to meet you! I'm Emily, the owner of TravelWithEm and fellow travel lover. I'm sure you're here to find out a little more about a destination or maybe you just enjoy a light read, but just incase you wondered about the person behind the blog ...

Check out my story below!

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My Story

Back in 2019 me and my partner head on our first solo trip to Krakow, Poland. At the time travel TikTok hadn't really taken off so it was a lesser visited destination and within the first 10 minutes we had fallen in love … then began the travel bug! Within six months we had visited Budapest, Slovakia, Bremen & Türkiye with plans to carry on exploring in every free weekend we could. Unfortunately COVID had other ideas for year! With restrictions ongoing our plans changed and by the time flights were taking off again I was enrolled at Coventry University studying Journalism! 

Over the course of my three years at uni I focused on a range of areas, interviewing live on camera, editing television content (not my strongest suite!) and my favourite .. content writing. Whether it was scripts for hard core news or fluff pieces for our student website I realised my passion for media sparked when I was using my imagination and creativity to produce print media, which is why I decided to start my own blog. Initially I had intended to share local stories and news but instead my passion for travel took over and then came TravelWithEm. A page I could share my experiences, leave my reviews and freely tell the stories of my adventures, now years later and I still find comfort in reminiscing my travels as I write my posts. 

ANYWAY! After graduating in July of 2023 I wasn't sure what direction I wanted to go in. I knew I wanted to travel as much as I could but a separate part of me wondered how my life would look if I chose to further explore the world of writing and publishing. With so many avenues to explore a month or two went by before an opportunity to begin my own travel agency presented itself. Travel Counsellors were running a graduate scheme to win your own business as a travel agent/ tour operator and with one week left to apply, I took to the leap. Within the month I had visited their head office to present my business case and won! In the November I completed my initial training and launched my business (probably one of the most surreal moments so far in my life) and now I am a remote Travel Counsellor. Whether it's building bespoke itineraries for exciting adventures round Asia or finding the perfect hotel for an all inclusive escape, my days are filled with all things travel, and the best part? I can work from anywhere in the world. 

So that's me in a nut shell … well professional me anyway! If you wanted to know the real me I could probably be summed up as always chatty, loves an adventure and probably loves a Amstel just as much :)

Contact Me

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

01788 670022 

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